
How we innovate today will influence the world tomorrow.

Our commitment to sustainability is more critical than ever.

We have yet to discover all the different ways in which the sea sustains life on Earth. he ocean et to become not only our main source of food and energy but also our most important transport highway, everything we do at sea has an impact.

The ocean space offers enormous potential. At the same time, it is Code Red for our planet. The maritime industry therefore needs specialized tools and smart technologies to explore our oceans as responsibly and sustainably as possible.

Seaonics is committed to driving the changes that must be made right now, through innovation and by leading the electrification of critical maritime handling and lifting solutions.

Our most important contribution is to assist our customers to become the best in the world for sustainable exploration, development and harvesting of the ocean space. We use our our technology and expertise to reduce costs, increase efficiency and security, and minimize negative environmental impacts.

We focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where we can make a real contribution and a tangible difference today and in the future.

Our contribution to SDG 9.4

  • SEAONICS is the leading developer of electrically powered winches and is at the forefront of the switch from hydraulic to electric systems.
  • SEAONICS supplies advanced monitoring systems to detect possible breakdowns and leaks, which could lead to environmental harm.
  • SEAONICS supplies systems with environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) and oils.

By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities.

Our contribution to SDG 8.2

SEAONICS invests significant resources in innovation to make our technology and products as highly effective and as energy efficient as possible.

  • Electric systems are designed to capture regenerative energy, enabling additional electrical power from the system to be fed back to vessel.
  • New and intelligent control systems are being developed to make product/system operation as efficient as possible.
  • System design focuses on efficient overall performance.
  • Simulation technology/simulators are used to train operators to carry out safe operations and reduce the risk of accidents and system breakdowns.

Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.

Our contribution to SDG 12.5

SEAONICS manufactures high-quality cranes and winches that are build to last. Excellent service programmes also help give our products a long lifespan, thereby reducing their lifetime carbon footprint to a minimum.

  • We focus on the complete system/product lifecycle to optimize the product's lifespan. SEAONICS also offers service agreements to extend the product lifespan. This includes a maintenance programme and replacement of parts to prevent unplanned downtime, etc., and annual inspections
  • Retrofit service, with existing equipment reused in new applications to further extend it's lifecycle.

By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

The transparency act

The Norwegian Transparency Act (“Act”) entered into force Friday 1 July 2022. The Act is based on UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and OECD’s Guidelines for multinational companies.

The aim of the Act is to ensure that large Norwegian companies are working to promote compliance with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in the companies themselves, in their supply chains and with their business partners. Furthermore, the Act imposes an obligation for the companies to respond to requests which may come from the public on how the company is handling this risk, both in general and specifically linked to certain goods or services.

The Board of Directors in both SEAONICS AS and its Norwegian subsidiaries which this law applies to, have approved and supports the establishment and implementation of policies and routines in its group companies which satisfies the requirements of the Act.

A working group has been established to implement and continuously monitor and improve SEAONICS effort to address and reduce actual and potential negative impact on human rights and decent working conditions.

Upon written request, any person has the right to information from a company regarding how the company addresses actual and potential adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions that the company has either caused or contributed toward, or that are directly linked with the company’s operations, products or services via the supply chain or business partners.

Please address your request to this e-mail address:

Supplier expectations

We appreciate the good relationships with our suppliers, and the value they create for our company and our customers. Our suppliers play an important role in our commitment to deliver on time, budget, and quality. SEAONICS aspire to work with suppliers who are committed to sustainable development, and are environmentally, socially, and economically responsible.

Vision Zero

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is our first priority and we expect our suppliers to be committed to our company-wide effort Vision Zero, aimed at avoiding any mishaps, for our people as well as the environment. As a supplier to SEAONICS you must comply with applicable laws and regulations. When working at SEAONICs premises, we are all one team, and we expect that you follow our internal rules and regulations contributing to a safe working environment for all of us.